Question : Problem: BlackBerry, Send As, and AdminSDholder

I'm having this problem with a couple of accounts that are domain admins.
To be able to get these users to properly keep the Send As permissions that they need to work with BlackBerry without removing them from any groups, we can use the following command to change the default permissions for the AdminSDHolder object:

dsacls "cn=adminsdholder,cn=system,dc=mydomain,dc=com" /G "MYDOMAIN\BlackBerrySA:CA;Send As"

Note: In this command, MYDOMAIN\BlackBerrySA is a placeholder for the name of the BlackBerry Service account. Change it to represent the proper account name in use for this domain, also correct the dc=mydomain,dc=com portion to match the real local domain. Make sure that you do not add a space between BlackBerrySA and ":CA.

when I run this command I get this error message.
C:\>dsacls cn=adminsdholder,cn=system,dc=LHAND,dc=org /G LHAND\BESAdmin:CA;SendA
No GUID Found for SendAs
The parameter is incorrect.

The command failed to complete successfully.


This page has the complete write up.  
What should the syntax be? Appreciate the help,

Answer : Problem: BlackBerry, Send As, and AdminSDholder

Looks like you're dropping the space, you don't want to do that. It's "Send As" not SendAs.


dsacls cn=adminsdholder,cn=system,dc=LHAND,dc=org /G "LHAND\BESAdmin:CA;Send As"


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