Question : Problem: Bad Processor or Memory?

I am working on a system that will not load XP.  The system started freezing at the xp splash screen then the video went crazy.  I started troubleshooting.  I found that the CPU was overheating (AMD Processor).  I resolved the heat issue and then tried to reload XP.  It kept giving me an atapi error when I told it to format, so I installed a new cd drive.  That did not resolve the issue.  I tested the Power supply and it shows ok.  I tried different memory configurations (1 stick , 2 sticks, reverse slots...etc.).  Windows XP finally loaded last night but it took 8 hours.  I do not have enough parts to swap each one.  I ran various diagnostics on the ram and cpu.  The ram would pass some tests, but not all.  I did not know if a bad CPU could make the ram fail tests.  Any suggestions?  I suspect a bad processor or possibly a fluctuating power supply (although it tested ok).  Thanks in advance for any help!

Answer : Problem: Bad Processor or Memory?

If you have CPU problem, the system might not boot. Check the motherboard for bad caps

And it seems the memory faulty. Use one stick and test see if it pass.

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