Question : Problem: Scrolling display is rolling in waves, nothing I can find fixes it

I don't know if this is hardware, such as settings on my monitor, or software, such as mouse - I have tried adjusting every possible thing and can't get my display to behave the way it used to, a few weeks ago...and I don't remember anything about when it started happening or why...

When I use the mouse wheel, it rolls in large blobby waves, and when I use the scroll bar, the same - if I click the mouse on the scroll bar, the page will take off rolling up or down, sometimes way past the line or point I wanted to stop, so it is imprecise and it is literally making me ill, like dizzy, to sit here and try to see. On Outlook, if I delete an email, there is a big wave.

In other words, the screen goes jump-jump-jump-jump....which is annoying!

I have adjusted the monitor, whatever I could find in display properties, changed the mouse, reinstalled mouse software - it seems hopeless.
what can I do to fix this?

Thanks very much for any help.


Answer : Problem: Scrolling display is rolling in waves, nothing I can find fixes it

And please DON'T swap them around with the power on.
Turn off the computer AND unplug the monitor's AC cord before switching its video plug to a different jack.
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