Question : Problem: QuickTime file possibly corrupted - help much appreciated

I recently tried to protect some files (both picture and video).  I started off by using Microsoft Private Folder 1.0 and things seemed to work fine.  Then I got greedy and tried to find a solution for putting the pic and video files on a USB drive.  I found and installed Cryptainer LE and they have a mobile solution called Cryptainer Mobile.  It seems like after this installation all hell broke loose.  I can still view the pics but the videos (.3g2 & .avi) will not play.  I could care less about the .avi files but the .3g2 are really important and it would be really sad to lose them.

The error I get is Error -2048:  Couldn't open the file 0706050013.3g2 because it is not a file that QuickTime understands.  I've done a couple hours of research before coming to this site and all the fixes I've tried have failed.  I've read through the knowledge base on Experts Exchange and tried to download a recommended codec but it didn't work either (same error message).

Also I removed the Cryptainer software in hopes that the associations would revert back to Quicktime properly but no good.  I also downloaded and reinstalled Quicktime hoping THAT might restore the association, no good.  I also verified that other Quicktime files will play.  It is just the files that I tried to protect with Microsoft Private Folder 1.0 and Cryptainer that are giving me trouble.

I'm really a novice on codecs, corrupted files, etc. so any help in restoring these files would be very very very very much appreciated :)

Answer : Problem: QuickTime file possibly corrupted - help much appreciated

I hope so . . good luck . .
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