Question : Problem: My HP Pavillion dv6000 keeps shutting down by itself - fan running hard before shutdown

I am using an HP Pavillion dv6000 for almost a year and a half.  I use it a lot for playing World of Warcraft.  The Iaptop always used to heat up a lot but still it was working fine until about 4 months back and then it started shutting down by itself.  I could hear the fan running hard prior to the shut down.  I use a laptop cooler but even then it would shut down especially in certain parts of the game.  For all normal applications it used to work fine.  However, from today my laptop just shuts down about every 10 minutes after start up with even normal applications like office or even internet explorer and even in the safe mode.  I tried letting it cool down and then try, but even then it would shut down between 5-10 minutes.  

I called up HP support and they are asking me to upgrade BIOS, but warn that if the laptop shuts down in between the upgrade then basically there is no way to recover the data on the computer and I will have to send it to them for restore.  This kind of scares me since I have lot of important stuff on the laptop.  I can back it up, but even that is difficult since the laptop keeps shutting down in between.  The other recommendation they are giving is to restore to original settings and basically re-install everything which is a pain.

Has anyone else faced this issue? If so, can you please tell me if you have been able to fix this and how?  Will really appreciate as I am stuck as my laptop is almost unusable.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Answer : Problem: My HP Pavillion dv6000 keeps shutting down by itself - fan running hard before shutdown

I was able to resolve the issue.  Actually this issue turned out to be not at all related to the dust.  I had deleted a printer earlier during the day and had tried to re-install it.  Somehow some of the printer files got corrupted and resulted into Print spooler service (spoolsv.exe) taking up 99 % cpu.  It must have not been so very high earlier since I was able to work on computer for a while. But with it reaching 99 %, I was almost unable to do anything.  Due to constant high CPU utilization the fan was working harder to cool the cpu and after some time, the computer used to shut down.

To fix this, I disconnected the printer, stopped the print spooler service and deleted the files from the Windows/System 32/ spool / Printers folder, reconnected the printer and restarted the service.  That brought down the cpu utilization of this service down to 0%.  The fan also immediately started running slowly.

The computer has now been running for more than an hour and half and is still holding good.  I am very confident that this has fixed the issue.

Thanks a lot for your inputs.
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