Question : Problem: Computer will not boot in any way

Ok, I will begin from the beginning.  I was innnocently playing WOW when my computer froze up.  Upon restarting the computer I receive a message saying the boot.ini file was whacked out.  A buddy of mine told me to try using the Restore menu from my XP disk, so I did.  We tried the whole spiel concerning chkdsk etc. etc., but to no avail.  By the way, I could only get into the Windows Recovery about every 5 times or so, that's why we moved onto step 2.  Soooo, we made a BartPE disk and that got me in, but I couldn't find any of my data.  I ran some function with Bart that verified my data and empty space.  I could clearly see where it found corrupt or the like files that were on my hard drive as it scanned through my files.  So, I tried to boot things back up and nothing!  I didn't even have the Repair option available from the XP disk.
The next step involved buying a new hard drive.  So, I took out the old HD and placed the new one in its place.  I installed my XP on the new hard drive and it looked good.  However, we decided to clone the old hard drive using emClone.  So, I hooked the original hard drive (Western Digital) up and inserted my emClone disk to work its magic.  The transfer was going along smoothly for 13 hours and then got stuck on 95%.  At this point the number of files that were READ ERRORS started to pile up and the progress stalled at 95% while the time spent went on to 15 hours.  I decided to stop everything and turn off the computer.  Well, after I did that when the computer is turned on I can't even get my computer to recognize the XP disk!  READ ERROR  I decided to download Seagate's DISKWIZARD (my new HD is a Seagate) to ZERO FILL.  Yet, I get READ ERROR with that one too!  
I have changed the BOOT order and checked my wires inside.  They worked fine earlier today when I installed XP before this whole emClone ordeal.  Just goes to show...a little knowledge is a DANGEROUS thing.  I just wanted to get my data off the original hard drive and now I have TWO HDs that I can't do anything with, plus I have to use my TV as a monitor now because when I hook my ACER back up to the computer after I put the new hard drive in it won't even work!!!
Oh great and powerful experts, hear my plea!!!!!!!!!!

Answer : Problem: Computer will not boot in any way

>>  Seagate Tools to check memory and ram   <<  i think seagate tests the disk ; did you run the long test?
any how, this seems to point out everything there looks good
you tested BOTH disks? and they are ok ?
because i was thinking : if the disk 1 is bad (or the OS), you may have put a bad image on the n°2
what i would do is wipe disk n°2, and install an OS on it (with only 1 disk installed) and proceed from there
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