Question : Problem: Dual Monitor Setup Screen Issue

Although I am able to correct the problem with my monitors image shrinking I am not sure why it is occurring. When I sign off at night the the display fills the entire screen and is fine (I do turn off my computer on a nightly basis). 3 times now in the past two weeks when I turn on the computer the next day the #2 monitor has lost 2 of the image, shifting to the right. I've tried auto adjusting and using every menu option available with the monitor Menu and settings and nothing seems to correct the issue.

The only fix I have found is to go in to NVIDA Settings on the PC (running XP) and raise the refresh Hertz to 70. This resets the screen to fill the entire screen and then I put it back down to 60 Hertz. Nothing else works.

Any ideas as to why this is happening? Does the monitor need to have the 70 hertz rate at all times? I prefer the lower refresh rate

Answer : Problem: Dual Monitor Setup Screen Issue

Something in the electronics is faulty or getting worse - have you checked it with a different monitor to see if the monitor is the problem?  Otherwise, you may need to swap the video card.
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