Question : Problem: Mouse Cursor moves without human interaction


I have this very strange problem on one of the PC's on our network whereby the mouse cursor seems to jerk about very slightly and move slowly towards the top left corner of the screen, even when left alone. I'm quite certain that the machine isn't infected with anything as I've run virus scans and a couple of spy/malware scans and all have come up clean and I've made sure there are no processes running in the background that shouldn't be.

I know it's nothing to do with the mouse or the ports (tried USB and PS/2) as it still happens with the mouse completely unplugged... It also continues to happen after a reboot.

Does anyone have any ideas on this as I'm stumped and the user is getting rather frustrated with it.



Answer : Problem: Mouse Cursor moves without human interaction

"it happens after reboot without a mouse plugged in"... i don't think an optical mouse would cause this problem... i've heard of this happening with a shorted ps2 connector... doesn't matter if your using usb or if anything is plugged in or not... the ps2 is still shorting and causing the mouse to move... i would go into control panel.. then system... then device manager... then go to input devices... then click on ps2 mouse... or whatever it says... you know.. then disable it... hook up a usb mouse and restart the computer... see what's movin!
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