Question : Problem: Simple motherboard to load windows 2003 server

Hi all,

I'm trying to bundle some software onto a windows 2003 server platform and was hoping to bundle it onto a small server.

When small, I mean like a mini atx with a mini casing.

All I need is a network card, no sound, a simple video card, no need wireless, CPU of say better than just a celeron (just in case), RAID (if possible), if not, not a big deal. Slots for 2 hard disk. No need CDRom or DVDRom

Any motherboard than has this simple but robust functionality? Or is this something customized?

Answer : Problem: Simple motherboard to load windows 2003 server

There are huge amounts of hardware for this. Start at for the best deals

You can start in motherboards
Or motherboard/cpu/vgacombos:
Micro cases:

You'll find mini cubes with mini motherboards there, you just add on your ram/cpu/hard drive.

I'd say 95% of all modern motherboards have video already integrated on the motherboard, ranging from intel, ati, nvidia graphics that will suffice your needs.
All modern motherboards you can run server 2003, the key is to make sure there are win2003 drivers for it, and again, anything modern you can be assured there is.

You'll find very good combo deals there, there's so much hardware to run server 2003, it's nearly impossible to make a recommendation. Find something within your budget.
You can buy a decent used pc as well and load 2003 on it. But for about less than 200 you can get something new with no monitor.

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