Question : Problem: HP Data Protector Express Single Server Edition unavailable

When we try to go into Data Protector express SSE we get this error:
Code: 59 (0x3b); Message: Service not found;
Details: The desired service was not found. Either the service is no longer active, or the machine providing the service is unavailable at this time.
System info: OS: Windows Server 2008 Standard x64 bits; Software version: HP Data Protector Express Single server Edition v3.5 SP2; Drive: HP DAT 160 GB USB Internal.

We have try to re-register manually services, to repair installation and to reinstall the program, but the only way to get the software running again is to unistall completly the software before and then installing it again.
This is the third time we have this error in two months. It always appears after some unexpected event: last night a server shutdown; the other times windows update installations.
In Windows we can see that Data Protector express service is up and running, and in automatic mode, but in the service settings panel in the settings configuration tool of Data Protector Express it shows the service state as "Unknown" and the startup type as Disabled. If we change this type to Manual or Automatic, it turns backup again to Disabled.
If we ignore this error and keep trying to login we can't do it, and we get this other DPX error:
Code: 100 (0x64)
Message: The doamin could not be found.
Details: Data Protector Express is unable to determine the host domain.

Please help. Thanks.

Answer : Problem: HP Data Protector Express Single Server Edition unavailable

You could be facing database corruption.
When this happens again try the following:
* Stop the Data Protector Service
* Edit HP\Data Protector Express\config\dpconfig.ini
* In the [configuration] section add the line repairDatabase=Yes
* Start up the GUI, without starting the service
* You will see it will perform several passes on the database (trying to repair it).
* If the repair ends, start the service again and check if your problem is solved.

If it's still not solved, try the following:
* Stop the service
* Rename the HP\Data Protector Express\database directory.
* Start the service - try opening the GUI again.

If that works, you'll now have an empty database. If you made a backup of the database  (by selecting the Storage Domain in one of the Data Protector Jobs) then this is the time to restore it to the time it was not corrupt.
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