Question : Problem: iSCSI Initiator maximum number of volumes?


I'm using the MS iSCSI initiator on WIndows 2003 Server.  I have presented 3 volumes to the server successfully but when I go to add the forth it says:  "The data area passed to the target is too small"...this seems like a very vague error.  Does anyone know if there is a limitation to the number of connections that the MS software iSCSI initiator can see, or what that error is on about as all I can find on the web refers to printers.  

There are a also 115 iscsi Event ID errors but having getting a meaningful idea what they mean either, besides that the discovery failed.

iSCSI discovery via Host Bus Adapter failed 0xefff003a to Host Bus Adapter B06BDRV\L4SC&PCI_16AC14E4&SUBSYS_703B103C&REV_12\8&bfb14f8&0&30050700_0.

Many thanks for any help

Answer : Problem: iSCSI Initiator maximum number of volumes?

No there shouldn't be such a small limit. I have setup 6 no problem. Have you tried updating the HBA driver?
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