Question : Problem: Spooler Service


Have just had my laptop returned after motherboard and processor replacement.

I am trying to connect an HP 8150, and have uninstalled and reinstalled it. When trying to add the printer through the Printer and Faxes option from Start Menu, I get an error message saying Operation Could Not Be Completed. The Printer Spooler Service is not running.

Have been through printer spoler in administatration via control panel but it will not work, and neither will the  "net start spooler" command in through Run.

Any ideas???

Answer : Problem: Spooler Service

Take alook in Windows Services, for the Lexmark Service, and try and start it...

LexBces  means that the spooler service will not start unless Lexbces starts first. If you dont have a lexmark printer, then safely remove the entry from DependOnService

Instead of the value "LexBces RPCSS"
just include "RPCSS"
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