Question : Problem: A CSV parser in C#


Can someone please help me with a parser in C# for retrieving email addresses in a  CSV file
The CSV file could be from Microsoft Outlook or a Palm Desktop


Answer : Problem: A CSV parser in C#

The Microsoft Outlook csv file contains 92 (!) fields.
Don't homebrew a parser, it will bite you in the fleshy part of your back side many times over as you try to maintain it.

Look at it this way: if you make a small regex to extract email addresses (which you will not get right on first try), and at some point someone decides they also want to extract names, you need to rewrite the whole thing.
Learn how to use a .Net library (filehelper) to map CSV - next time you need to add or remove a field you just copy over the field name into the output section.
And since the whole thing is already implemented, debugged and interfaced, it's really easier to use than any homebrew, no matter how good you are.
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