Question : Problem: Unattended automatic reboot when UPS comes back online

I have a computer installed in a remote location that has frequent power interruptions (a marine vessel is a good example of this).  The power goes out for both short and long periods of time, even for several days.

I have a UPS on the computer that shuts the computer down correctly when the power stays off.  This works fine.

What I'm looking for is a way to turn the computer back on when the power comes back.  The UPS automatically turns back on when the power is restored.  I would like the computer to be automatically rebooted when the UPS comes back online.


Is this possible?  If you could do it any way you want (get whatever computer/UPS/?? combination of hardware was best for this situation), how would you do it?

What hardware would you recommend (both computer (rackmount/server/whatever) and other hardware)?

I'm most interested in hearing from anyone with first-hand experience with unattended always-on systems operating in harsh environments with uncertain power availability.


Answer : Problem: Unattended automatic reboot when UPS comes back online

i have an ASUS P5B-VM, and it says on page 2-28 :

Restore on AC Power Loss :
When set to Power Off, the system goes into off state after AC power loss.
When set to Power On, the system goes on after AC power loss.
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