Question : Problem: VPN tunneling on linksys where there is no static ip for client
OK Experts, can this be solved?
I have a Linksys RV082 VPN Router that claims to have the ability to create 50 VPN tunnels. I want to create a tunnel for an offsite laptop to communicate through the tunnel and work on line utilizing Windows 2K or XP on the offsite laptop.
XP and Windows 2K have an internal component called IPSEC that you can use as the "client" to connect to the VPN router. It requires a static IP in order to work. In the setup for the router, there is a selection for a dynamic IP with email authentication. You must select that. No one in Linksys can tell me how to make it work. No one can tell me if it has ever been tested.
I have found a VBS script on the Internet that someone uses to make the connection. It reads the dynamic IP and goes into IPSEC and enters it as a static IP and then queries the router. There is a problem in the script. (script attached as a text file). When you click on it, you get an error message.
the script i found: lanAddress = GetLANAddress()
if trim(lanAddress) = "" then set shell = createobject("wscriptshell")
'Set up the connection Make sure you change the 666.666.666.666 to the correct server side IP. shell.run """ipseccmd"" -f 192.168.1.*=0 -t " & lanAddress & " -1s 3DES-SHA-2 -n ESP[3DES,SHA]480SP1NPASS -1p -a P:""vpn!!!medex7"" -w reg -p WORK -r servertome -x",0,1 shell.run """ipseccmd"" -f 0=192.168.1.* -t -1s 3DES-SHA-2 -n ESP[3DES,SHA]480SP1INPASS -1p -a P:""vpn!!!medex7"" -w reg -p WORK -r metosever -x",0,1
'Ping the VPN server's internal ip address shell.run "ping"0,1
set shell = nothing msgbox "VPN setup complete" else msgbox "Unable to set up VPN security policy" & vbCr & "Unable to determine IP address" & vbCr & "Please verify that your dial-up connection is established" end if
Function GetLANAddress()
LANFound = False
set sh = createobject("wscript.shell") set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
Set Env = sh.Environment("PROCESS")
if ENV("OS") =Windows_NT" then workfile = fso.gettempname sh.run "%comspec% /c ipconfig > "& workfile,0,true else msgbox "This script is intended to run on NT/2K/XP only" end if
set sh = nothing set ts = fso.opentextfile(workfile) data = split(ts.readall,vbcrif) ts.close set ts = nothing fso.delete workfile set fso = nothing
for n = 0 to unbound(data) if LANFound then if instr(data(n),"IP Address") then parts = split(data(n),":") GETLANAddress = trim(cstr(parts(1))) msgbox GetLANAddress Exit For end if else if instr(lcase(data(n)),"ethernet adapter local area connection:") then LANFound = True end if next End Function
Answer : Problem: VPN tunneling on linksys where there is no static ip for client
Yup, I have seen it on numerous news groups.