Question : Problem: Problems with 2nd monitor

Windows XP Pro SP3, 3.0ghz Pentium P4, 1gb Memory, Asus AH3650 dual monitor graphics card, LG FlatronW2241S Monitor (x2)
I have just installed the above graphics card and 2 montiors. The optimal resolution is 1680 x 1050.
On the first monitor all the settings are perfect and evrything is fine.
On the 2nd monitor allthe settings say exactly the same as the first but the screen resolution is larger  and when i put my mouse into it the background picture "jumps" because it is too large for the screen.
Obviously when I display a document it is much larger onthe 2nd monitor and i have to scroll up and down to see all of it, while on the first monitor it is all within the screen.
I have checked the monitor drivers are both showing the installled LG W2241 in display properties and in device manager.
I have tried swapping the monitors over on the graphics card and which ever monitor is plugged into the 2nd monitor port has the fault, so i know it is not the monitor that is faulty.

I have remioved the card and all the soft ware and reinstalled it using the latest drivers from the asus website.

I cannot think waht else to try - any ideas?


Answer : Problem: Problems with 2nd monitor

OK, I have solved it. After a lot of swapping cards, changing the PSU (it was suggested the 450w unit may not be powerful enough, but the 600w replacement made no difference. i left it in anyway.) I tried different combinations of settings in the CCC. There is a setting in there called "Compuesto" (I think that means compound in english). Ticking this box has solved the problem.
I have no idea what that setting does or why it should work but it has.
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