Question : Problem: Dell PowerEdge 4400 RAID errors

I am running Windows Server 2000 SP4 on a Dell PowerEdge 4400 server console. RAID 5 is in place and I have been getting some errors lately that have been scaring me. I looked them up on the EVENTID website and couldn't find anything useful. Went to the Dell forums site and couldn't find anything useful. Can someone please help me out here and give me some suggestions as well. Starting this off at 400 points.

Here are the errors:

1)      Source: AFAmgt  EventID: 20
\Device\AFA0 : ID(0:02:0); Error Event [command:0x28]  

2)      Source: AFAmgt  EventID: 20
\Device\AFA0 : ID(0:02:0); Unit Attention [k:0x6,c:0x29,q:0x3]  

3)      Source: AFAmgt  EventID:  20
\Device\AFA0 : ID(0:02:0) Timeout detected on cmd[0x28]  

4)      Source: AFAmgt  EventID:  20
\Device\AFA0 : SCSI Channel[0]: Timeout Detected On 1 Command(s)  

5)      Source: AFAmgt  EventID:  20
\Device\AFA0 : ID(0:02:0); Aborted Command [command:0x28]

Answer : Problem: Dell PowerEdge 4400 RAID errors

The errors indicate that Disc 2 is crook. If you open the bezel's front door you'll see that the disc numbers are printed on the front panel. Disc 2 on the front is, in fact, disc 2 (surprise!). Once you have a new disc, whip out the old one (the front panel led will turn orange), replace the disc in the carrier (you'll need a phillips-head screwdriver and an anti-static mat)  and whack in the new one. The array will rebuild automatically. If it doesn't (unlikely) there is a BIOS setting taht needs changing. Easy to do - post here if necessary.

BTW - if you have Dell's extended warranty, call them! They'll make yoiu jump through a few hoops (like upgrading drivers and firmware first), but they'll organise you a new drive. Given the age of the system, your system may be out of warranty/maintenance.

Once the rebuild is complete (figure on an hour per 18GB), you may want to consider upgarding drivers and firmware of the RAID controller. You'll most likely have a PERC 2 controller (at an educated guess) - certainly one of the Adaptec range. You need to update the drivers first, then update the controller firmware from (again, an educated guess) 2.5 to 2.6 to 2.8 (major revisions). It's not as fearsome as it sounds - just follow the instructions on the website, or post here for more info. Most important thing: Upgrade the drivers **BEFORE** upgrading the firmware. Otherwise the server won't boot.

Once you've upgraded, I'd suggest getting rid of FAST and installing Array Manager. Scroll down to Systems Management at the link above.
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