Question : Problem: Formatting a disk with bad sectors

I am trying to install a new SATA disk that suffers from bad sectors. Replacing the disk or getting manufacturing warranty is not an option.

The seagate disk has bad sectors. The seagate seatools starts to report bad sectors at about 35% and fails to continue the test (or at least I loose patience after 12 hours of waiting).

I was able to create an ext3 file system using Linux, and it works until I hit the bad sectors, then I start to get failures on the disk, and applications (big word for dd) start failing.

I tried to install on an XP box, hoping NTFS will map out the bad sectors. After letting NTFS format overnight, it has not completed. The windows system log is full of error messages about bad sectors.

I am looking for a method/tool that will make it possible to use the disk in spite of the bad areas. This is an 80GB disk. If I can salvage 40GB of usable space this will be great.

If I could find a tool that will surface test the disk without choking on the bad sectors, and produce a good report. perhaps it will be possible to partition the disk, and put bad areas in non-usable partitions.


Answer : Problem: Formatting a disk with bad sectors

Spinrite is often mentioned here for testing disks though I dont know if it will do what you want, personally this just spells disaster to me.

The disk is quite clearlly broken, unless you are unable to aquire a disk because you are miles from anywhere, I just wouldnt bother, this disk sounds as if it is on its way to complete failure.

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