Question : Problem: URGENT - 64 Bit components affecting old style hardware?

Hello, experts..

I've been searching Google for relevant information, but haven't found anything that answers my question yet. I've just finished installing new mainboard (Gigabyte GA-K8NF-9) and CPU (AMD Athlon 64 3500+).

I plugged in my keyboard which is estimated to be between 10 or a bit less years old, when I turn on the computer I hear keyboard buffer full kind of noise (This is at BIOS P.O.S.T screen when it detects drives and all), but it wasn't sharp fast repeating noise, it was a rather like keystroke noise.

I thought my keyboard was bad, so I tried 2 other keyboards in which they worked fine, but when I get Windows logon screen I cannot type anything! I can't even change my NUM / CAPSLOCK, keyboard just become inoperatable, but mouse works fine. I could use the mouse to click on Shutdown and restart from the logon screen, but that's about all I can do.

I am on Windows XP Professional (32 bit), old components died, so I moved the HDD over to the new board / CPU. Though this could cause problems inside Windows, it shouldn't have anything to do with BIOS boot up getting weird keystroke signals, etc. These keyboards work perfectly under all other non-64 bit hardware.

1) Is my new motherboard faulty?
2) Are there settings I should be aware of?
3) Is this model of mainboard (GA-K8NF-9) not compatible with old keyboard (I used 4 year old keyboard and no good too)?
4) What is going on :-( ??

I won't be around for a few hours to answer questions, there's urgent work I have to do, but I'll try to get back and read your posts as soon as I can.. thank you.

Answer : Problem: URGENT - 64 Bit components affecting old style hardware?

Make sure you use a real DOS like 6.22 boot disk, and not a Win 95 or Win 98 on an NT or XP system; these boot disks will screw the MBR for NT and XP.

I'm just guessing it's NT or XP.  Although, I gues it could be Linux, but the DOS 6.22 disk won't disrupt any of them.  If you have an XP boot disk, then make sure your Operating System is not Win 95 or Win 98.  I'm not sure about Win 2k.

Yes, that's exactly why I install a first 2 gig DOS partition on every system:
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