Question : Problem: Unable to Boot iBook G4 Laptop

My friend recently bought a used iBook G4 (Model #A1054). It worked fine for about a month but now it won't boot. The computer powers on, makes the Apple chime sound and starts to boot. Even gets to the initial splash screen w/ the Apple logo and the the spinning clock circle (not sure what the official term is), but at some point the spinning circle freezes up and nothing else happens. Just sits there on the Apple logo screen.

I'm not sure what version of OS X is on this laptop. I tried to insert a Tiger DVD and held down the C key to boot from it, but just got a black screen. Also tried holding down Command S to go into Single-User mood, but just got to a black screen w/ NO command prompt. Also tried holding down Command-Option-P-R to reset the PRAM. Still nothing.

I was able to boot into Target mood and then ran Verify Disk (on Disk Utility) from my attached Powerbook. DU said the HD was OK.

Not sure what else to try??

Answer : Problem: Unable to Boot iBook G4 Laptop

Maybe all is not lost yet. It would seem that you were using the auti updater. I never recommend that be used at all. It is always best to download the manual update dmg and apply that. The files are more complete. I have had several cases where g4 towers working fine before an auto update behave just as your does. Try a reformat and fresh install and then apply the manual update. Also check the firmwware version before you update and be sure it is the latest available.
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