Question : Problem: Apple Wireless network dropped off MacBook Pro's AirPort scan

The Apple wireless network from our Airport Extreme Version 5.7 suddenly disappeared from our Intel Core 2  Duo MacBook Pro 10.4.11.

However, our other computer, the Intel Core 2 Duo iMac 10.4.11 in the studio picks up the Apple wireless network.

MacBook Pro:
- Can access Airport Extreme using Airport Setup Utility via ethernet. But cannot via Airport card.
- Scans other wireless network in the area. Just not our own (from our Airport Extreme).
- Wireless Card Firmware version: 1.3.5
- have tried manually accessing netwrok by typing in name and password...
- but message comes up saying "network not available"

Does any of this sound familiar to anyone?

Answer : Problem: Apple Wireless network dropped off MacBook Pro's AirPort scan

We've worked out (90% sure) that it's to do with the compatibility between the MacBook and the new Airport Extreme Firmware. The MacBook can't scan the Airport Extreme after we upgraded the firmware. Where the iMac is fine with it.

So, I brought in my other Airport Extreme from home (firmware not upgraded) and replace the one at work and the MacBook picks it up - yippee.

And, I took the upgraded Aiport Extreme from work to use at home and my old PowerBook picks it up no problem.

Everything is cool. What does that mean? I guess maybe a compatibility issue with MacBook and the new Aiport Extreme Firmware.
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