Question : Problem: Plug and Play service is causing my computer to be VERY slow.

My computer became VERY slow several days ago, when I re-booted it following a sudden shut-down due to an unexplained power outage in my building.  I do use a surge protector.

Starting in Normal Mode, it takes 5-10 minutes just for Windows and all of the start-programs to open.   From there, all applications are also very slow to open -- again, several minutes.  The shut-down process is also affected, taking sometimes up to 10 minutes to do so.

I ran my anti-virus/spyware scan software (StopSign by eAccelleration), and it initially found some bad Cookies, but they were reportedly removed, and subsequent scans have turned up negative.

I did find that everything starts, opens and shuts down fine in Safe Mode.

I began to systematically and selectively disable my Startup Items and System Services via MSCONFIG, and I finally narrowed it down to my Plug and Play Service.  As long as it is disabled, my machine runs as fast as it always has, but when the Plug and Play Service is enabled, invariably, my machine slows to a crawl.  I find that the PnP is the ONLY app or service that seems to be the culprit.

I have run a HiJack This scan, and I can provide you with the log upon your request.

I look forward to working with you toward a solution.  Thanks in advance!


Answer : Problem: Plug and Play service is causing my computer to be VERY slow.

Or maybe installing SP3 will help. What do you think nobus?
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