Question : Problem: Shortcut Keys for Window Mobile 5 - Outlook

We have recently begun allowing users to stray from blackberries and use Windows Mobile 5.0 devices.  Several times a day I am asked about what are the shortcut keys for use in Outlook mobile and I have not been able to find a document with them or been able to find them myself.  Does anyone know where I can find such a document or if they need to be enabled somewhere.  I truly hope that the unanimous responses from everyone is that there aren't any shortcuts as that would be a VERY bad mistake from microsoft.

An example of the shortcut keys that my users are used to are:
T for top or the most recent message
B for bottom or oldest message
U for next unread message

I appreciate any help and hope this is an easy question for someone who has already done the research (and is better at finding data then I am).

Answer : Problem: Shortcut Keys for Window Mobile 5 - Outlook

When actually reading a message click the joypad right/left to move to the next/previous email.

When looking at the list of emails you can click right to shift focus from emails to say texts/MMS - and when you click left again you come back to emails at the beginning.

When highlighting the first/last email in the list click up/down to roll around to the end/beginning.

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