Question : Problem: Problem with private ip in DynDNS

I am using internet through GPRS for a vehicle tracking application and where the requirement is that ip of the type 10.x.x.x that is generated by the GPRS internet connection needs to be updated to the internet.

I am using DynDNS updater to update the ip but DynDNS updater does not update it stating that it is not a public ip. When I check ip using it gives some public ip and when I check using ipconfig /all using cmd it gives ip of the type 10.x.x.x

I added the line UseLanIP=1 in the options section of DynDNS config file and that solved the problem partially that I did not get the not public ip error message but then it started detecting the ip address of my lan card or sometimes

As a workaround I first connect to internet and then run DynDNS and then it gives ip of the type 10.x.x.x

Please inform what is the correct method to update ip of the type 10.x.x.x on the internet using DynDNS updater.


Answer : Problem: Problem with private ip in DynDNS

A script, as I suggested might be possible, will not work in this situation.

Based on your last description I assume the data will be sent to the domain name which in turn needs to resolve to your current 10.x.x.x  IP address. Even if you can get it to accept the correct 10.x.x.x address, it will not work (if I understand correctly) as 10.0x.x.x are private addresses, and cannot be routed over the Internet. By that I mean; if I send data to  it won't go anywhere as those addresses are for private networks only, and will be dropped by Internet routers. You can only connect to individually assigned public IP's.

The following are for private (non-Internet), network use only:  to  to  to
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