Question : Problem: How can i create a job that doesn't over-write the previous time it ran?


I have the following st up now. I have 3 jobs running on NTbackup: daily, weekly, monthly. They back up everything, so i have these 3 versions to restore from at any point.

I want to add a forth job for a small number of folders that will run monthly but will not get over-writen. That way i can restore from these folders going back more than one month, indefintly actaily.

I am sure NT backup does that, i am just not sure how. If you could walk me through it, that would be great.

I am assuming the "append" setting does this, but i am not sure.

As a side question. My "daily" backup is way bigger than it should be. I assume that this is because it is set to "append" but even then..... Wouldn't append just save teh changes in a file and not the whole file again?

Answer : Problem: How can i create a job that doesn't over-write the previous time it ran?

The restore depends on your backup methodology.  Let's use a weekly normal (full) backup with a daily incremental.  The full backup will backup a copy of whatever you specify in folders and files.  Let's say it is 10GB in total.  The backup file at this point will be 10GB in size.  On Monday you make changes or add 500MB of files.  The incremental backup that evening will only backup 500MB, but it will be added to the backup file - unless you identify a different location.  So at this point, your backup file will be 10.5GB in size.  Now Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat 500MBs are either added or changed each day and an incremental runs on those days.  Your total backup file size would be 13GB.  At this point, you should copy this file to tape or other media and put it in a safe place.

If you need to restore a file was modified or added on Tuesday but went missing on Wed, you would open the Tuesday incremental backup, locate the file and restore it from the backup.  If it was never modified during the week, you would have to find it on the full backup and restore it from there.
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