Question : Problem: Secure terminal (SSH) within a web page
I need to implement an access method to a remote device via a secure web page, ideally using some sort of terminal.
So the path would be
User > Internet > HTTPS website > Terminal > Remote Device
The remote device supports telnet and possibly ssh, so I was thinking of a Java based terminal emmulator running on the HTTPS website. The main points are that the Remote Device is not assessable from the Internet and the interface has to be through the website.
There are a number of Java based terminals available, but all of the ones I have looked at create a connection between the User and the device directly which is not appropriate here. Effectively I need the commands into the terminal forwarded to the device and the device output reflected on the terminal.
Any ideas? I'm sure there must be something commercial out there that does this.
Answer : Problem: Secure terminal (SSH) within a web page
In follow up to ravenpl's post - the terminal suggested will not do what I want because the connection is created from the client browser to the end point and not from the server that presented the terminal to the end point.
So, that would implement User > Remote Device
rather than the required HTTPS website > Remote Device
This is a problem because the Remote Device is not made available on the Internet.
Does this explain why the http://javassh.org/ solution is not workable?
Thanks for your help anyway, but I have awarded some points for your posts.