Question : Problem: Double-sided DVD stuck in MacBook

I have a DVD stuck in my MacBook, which I know nobody here can help me with. But my problem is that I also had a DVD stuck in my MacBook a few days ago, went to the Apple Store, and they extracted it. Then they tested the optical drive with a few of their DVD's and they all inserted, played, and ejected smoothly. Now I have a different DVD stuck in my MacBook, and I noticed that one difference between my stuck DVD's and the Apple Store's test DVD's are that mine are double-sided, while the Apple Store's had a label on one side. So my question is, before I go into the Apple Store complaining that something's wrong with my optical drive, does anybody know whether the optical drive on a 13-inch MacBook can accept a double-sided DVD?

The DVD's that I'm trying to play are commercially-manufactured movies, not bootlegged or anything. There's a little note on the DVD box that says "These disks are compatible with all DVD players displaying these symbols," and the symbol is a box with a globe and a number 1 inside it, and underneath that there's another box that says "NTSC".

Thanks for your help.

Answer : Problem: Double-sided DVD stuck in MacBook

yes mac books accept double sided DVD's
i would have them open the mac book and make sure there is nothing applying pressure between the keyboard and the optical drive - i had this happen to me when i opened one up and the next DVD i put in it was stuck so i had to open it and remove the piece of the shell that was applying pressure(if you have ever opened a macbook before there are little fittings on the side that can come loose when closing it back up because the whole keyboard comes up when opening it). so beyond that to make sure it is not software related try rebooting and holding down the mouse button to see if it will eject on boot (because that is the firmware ejecting not the os esentially) good luck
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