Question : Problem: Does anyone have a working sample config for wireless bridging?

I have a couple of Cisco 1300s here. I'm trying to test turning them into a wireless bridge to extend a LAN to a remote location. Right now they are under my desk. They are both connected to a switch along with my laptop so I have LAN access to them. I'm trying to get them to talk to each other to no avail. One thing I see is that on the workgroup bridge, the radio interface stays in "reset" state and whenever I make a change, the console logs this message:
%DOT11-2-UPLINK_FAILED: Uplink to parent failed: Unsupported authentication type

Here are the current configs. I know IOS very well but I'm not too versed in wireless and APs. What am I missing?

AP2 (root):
version 12.4
no service pad
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
service password-encryption
hostname ap2
enable secret Cisco
no aaa new-model
dot11 ssid 1300
   accounting acct_methods
   information-element ssidl wps
   no ids mfp client
dot1x credentials ap2
 username mbernhardt
 password mbernhardt
username Cisco password Cisco
bridge irb
interface Dot11Radio0
 no ip address
 no ip route-cache
 ssid 1300
 antenna gain 10
 power local 5
 power client 5
 station-role root bridge
 bridge-group 1
 bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
interface FastEthernet0
 no ip address
 no ip route-cache
 bridge-group 1
 bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
 hold-queue 80 in
interface BVI1
 ip address
 no ip route-cache
ip http server
no ip http secure-server
ip http help-path
bridge 1 route ip
line con 0
line vty 0 4
 login local

AP1 (remote bridge):
version 12.4
no service pad
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
service password-encryption
hostname ap1
enable secret Cisco
no aaa new-model
ip domain name br
dot11 ssid 1300
   accounting acct_methods
   information-element ssidl wps
   no ids mfp client
eap profile ap2
 method md5
dot1x credentials ap2
 username mbernhardt
 password mbernhardt
username Cisco password Cisco
bridge irb
interface Dot11Radio0
 no ip address
 no ip route-cache
 ssid 1300
 antenna gain 10
 power local 10
 power client 10
 station-role workgroup-bridge
 bridge-group 1
 bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
interface FastEthernet0
 no ip address
 no ip route-cache
 bridge-group 1
 bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
 hold-queue 80 in
interface BVI1
 ip address
 no ip route-cache
ip http server
no ip http secure-server
ip http help-path
bridge 1 route ip
line con 0
 login local
line vty 0 4
 login local

Answer : Problem: Does anyone have a working sample config for wireless bridging?

Place the first bridge into root bridge (<--looks you have already done this) infrastructure only.  Remove workgroup bridge from second and place into non-root bridge, infrastructure only.  You said you have them under you desk, this is fine temporarily (though your future children may have "unique" genetic characteristics) but make sure they are both in the same polarity sphere (horizontal/vertical...essential that they are facing each other in mirror to one another).
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