Question : Problem: keyboard/curser lagging problem

i have a gateway millinium keyboard and when i am typing a word using the same letter together the keywill work on the first imput but the same letter on second imput will not accept for a few seconds.  the curser will give an impulse or quiver and then i can imput the second letter. also the backspace button will do the same. at times i have to hit the delete button and then backspace key. it is as though something is locked. what do you suggest i do. each word in this paragraph has required more time due to this problem.  as i print any word without duplicate letters each key is touched and the letters are printed. also regarding the backspace problem if i have to backspace 1 time it accepts but more than one backspace i have to hit delete and then the backspace button. any suggestions?
(Note from Karenina: This is my uncle's computer with the problem and he wrote the description above.)
Thank you very much for your time.

Answer : Problem: keyboard/curser lagging problem

Okay - there's sometimes a BIOS setting for this...
But try Control Panel/Keyboard first:
Keyboard input delay or Repeat Delay along with the Repeat Rate need to be adjusted...Make the delay much shorter and adjust them both to your liking...
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