Question : Problem: RAID 1 disk showing as foreign after computer upgrade

I recently had the processor in my computer fry, and decided to upgrade my motherboard/processor/RAM instead of putting any money into an old system. I was running a mirrored RAID set with two 120GB drives using a SIIG RAID Controller. After I swapped out the motherboard, etc, I tried to re-setup the RAID array in the new system, but the whole trying to get Windows to cooperate with a new motherboard thing just caused errors to occur everywhere. Then I tried just hooking the drive up to the standard IDE cable, to see if windows could properly see the drive outside of the RAID system. It showed up in Disk Management as a Foreign Dynamic disk. I tried to import it, but it gave an error. I tried several other things, and finally tried installing the SIIG RAID Controller in another Windows 2000 machine I have to make sure there weren't conflicts going on with the multiple RAID controllers. On that system, the drive also shows up in Disk Management as a Foreign Dynamic disk and attempts to import it result in

Internal Error - Disk group has no valid configuration copies

I'm pretty sure the data on the drives are good, but I have been unable with anything I try to get Windows to see it. Are there any software applications out there that can repair messed up header information or whatever it might be that's preventing windows from importing it? Any ideas?

Answer : Problem: RAID 1 disk showing as foreign after computer upgrade

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