Question : Problem: Internet keeps disconecting
A friend of mine bought a Gateway laptop with vista installed and the internet keep disconecting. First we thought is the linksys router he has at home (that model was reported as causing problems) but he took the laptop to work and there are problems there too.
At home the behaviour is the following: it disconects randomly from time to time, but if he starts Wow and Skype the disconect is almost imediat. His room mate, which is connected to the same router doesn't have any problems.
At work he tried starting wow from laptop and skype from another computer, and the disconect happened on both computers, first on the laptop then on the skype computer.
The diconnects happen even without wow or skype but more rarely (like once every half hour).
Answer : Problem: Internet keeps disconecting
You may use WireShark to diagnose the problem:
If you are new to wireshark then :
Apparently it seems to some problem with the NIC of the laptop. try refreshing the driver.
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