Question : Problem: Cant remote desktop to windows 2000 pc

Hi Guys

Iam having difficulty settings up remote desktop on a windows 2000 machine

firstly unlike xp it doesnt allow remote desktop connections. So i have tried using tight vnc.

ive portforwarded the ip on the pc on the router with the port 5900 which is default for tight vnc?

your help is appreciated.


Answer : Problem: Cant remote desktop to windows 2000 pc

You cannot use remote desktop to control a windows 2000 workstation, as you have discovered, as this was introduced with windows XP. You should be able to get tightVNC, realVNC or ultraVNC which are all free to work without too many problems.

Can you advise:
- Where is the machine you want to connect to? Home/Work Network/Friends house etc?
- Where is the machine you are connecting from, the same network or elsewhere?
- What is the operating system of the client machine?
- What error do you get when you try to connect
- Does either machine have anti-virus/firewall software installed?
   - If so what software?
- Can you ping each machine from the other?
- You mentioned forwarding a port, what router is this on, what settings did you use?

Some general suggestions:
- VNC is pretty reliable so the problem is probably with either a firewall or the connection between the machines
- If you are connecting by webrowser, you need to have turned this feature on, and be pointing your browser to http://targetMachinesNameOrIP:5800
- If you are connecting by the client, then unless you changed it you should be connecting to port 5900
- If you forwarded the port from a router, you should be connecting to your routers IP on whatever port you chose to forward from
- Try turning your firewall off briefly see if that solves the issue.

If you just want to control one machine remotely through lots of routers that are causing problems VNC may not be the best solution you could check out this provides secure access to a machine over the internet.

Hope the above is of some help

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