Question : Problem: Acer Aspire laptop screen wiring / rewiring information

I have a leftover display screen of the Acer Aspire 5115WMLI laptop.

The display screen is fully functional and I was originally able to detach screen without any damage.

I am looking for a solution to take this screen back to use with normal desktop computers. I have not found any specifications for the screen's wiring, but I am making a assumption that the wiring should follow mostly the same basic standards as any other TFT's wiring with exception of the power cord. I have work experience of building computer and network wirings so the process itself will not present any problems.

Can anybody tell me where I can find information of the screen's wiring and if anyone has additional tips how to handle this task of combining regular DVI wiring and Laptop's wiring. External power source, of course, is needed but this will present no problem.

Answer : Problem: Acer Aspire laptop screen wiring / rewiring information

Well first of all the wiring isn't the problem as  laptop screen requires an LVDS connection not a DVI. Also the connectors are proprietary which means there can be a few different types. Also there needs to be a power supply for the inverter to drive the CCFL backlights in order to light up the screen.
The simple fact is that a normal video card cannot drive a laptop lcd panel like it would a desktop LCD screen.
You will need a special controller card for this if you can find one that supports your LCD panel.
The key is to get the LCD panel model number , this will require removal of the lcd panel from the display unit as this is on the back of the LCD panel.
 You can then check this website for a controller board for your specific lcd.(If they support your LCD panel)

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