Question : Problem: COMPLTETELY UN-assisted remote desktop/assistance/vnc login solution (transparent to user)

This question was originally asked in feb of 07.. the accepted solution provided was to use Remote Web Workplace, which is apparently included with SBS.  I do not have SBS, in fact i'm still working with nt4 domain controllers..

This question fits my requirements EXACTLY, however keep in mind i do not have SBS. .I am willing to entertain vnc suggestions, but the major requirement is no install process whatsoever on the remote clients. I'm looking for something similar to pcanywhere's thin-host remote deployment, which simply pushes a self-executable or self-installing service to any client i have administrative permissions on.  this client then runs, allows a remote session to be established, and the closes itself when the connection is terminated.  no registry manipulation is required other than opening the windows firewall to specific ports (group policy).

i would prefer the session be completely invisible to the user sitting at the console (pcanywhere places a button on the taskbar), but this is not an absolute requirement.  

Ok, so here is what ideally I'd like to do.  Can you tell me if this is possible:
1) I want to be able to log in remotely to all client computers on my NT4 domain (assume all clients run XP/SP2)
2) I want to have the option of doing Remote Assistance WITHOUT HAVING ANY CLIENT USER INTERACTION--meaning I don't want to have to have a person sitting at a computer to allow me to remote in. I'd like to just be able to take over any screen without going through the Remote Assistance request for acceptance
3) I need the ability to log in remotely on computers using accounts with limited priviledges. As an example: I'm constantly needing to add new employees as users. They aren't Administrators or even Power Users sometimes, but I need to log in as them so I can map network drives and add printers under their specific accounts, remotely. I find I can't do this often times because of permissions issues that won't allow me to log in as them.

I am aware of VNC and other clients--they are great but I'm hoping to use MS because it's already installed. I'd prefer not to have to install and then maintain extra client software.

Here are the MS Remote solutions that I am aware of:
1) Accessories > Communications > Remote Desktop (i don't need client permission to start, so i love this but this blocks out the screen so end users can't see what I'm doing)
2) Remote Assistance--requires client to accept invitation and doesn't work when i need to log out and in under another user account

Can anyone help me find the right combination of tools and group policy settings to implement this? I'd like to be able to log into all client computers, unannounced and with any user account with the option of 'sharing' the screen with an end user if i can. is this even possible?

originally Authored by: goldylamont

Answer : Problem: COMPLTETELY UN-assisted remote desktop/assistance/vnc login solution (transparent to user)

I don't know how you ca  get around the user password. Some tools such as you have mentioned will allow you to connect to an open session but if they have password protected screen saver enabled, or logged out, you are out of luck.

One I have used that is great, but not free is Desktop Scout, allows you to start, take over, or share any session, also allows remote monitoring, screen shots, logging web access, keystroke logging, and file access. all in nice HTML reports. It is intended as a monitoring tool, but great for support as well:

Another that hundreds swear by is DameWare's Mini Remote:
Both allow you to remotely access a session, and there is a small agent to be installed on the workstation, but Dameware pushes it out.

Keep in mind with any software that you can join an existing session, you may be crossing a fine line with privacy laws.
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