Question : Problem: Remote scan alternatives

Hi Experts!

We ´re using citrix, now We´re trying 2X, but in the remote scanning, my boss said me that 2X don´t help us for it. We need something like ica protocol for it.


Answer : Problem: Remote scan alternatives

The RemoteScan product is the only thing I have ever seen that can tunnel a scanner connection back through RDP to a terminal server.  Citrix, as we have established, has support for TWAIN redirection but you are paying $250-$350 per CCU with Citrix or $300 per scanner with RemoteScan and Citrix is concurrent.  RemoteScan is a retail license that is only good for the one PC you install it on; they pissed me off years ago...I had a client buy a license, they didn't like how it worked but we wanted to try it a year later and got it working ok.  The trial period expired and they wouldn't allow me to renew the license because it had been used on a PC with a different name.  I explained that we never got it working in the first place but they cared more about squeezing another $300 out of my client than helping me use the product.  

Therefore (if anyone from RemoteScan is listening and cares): I do not suggest using their product.  It does what they say but they are not at all flexible with their licensing.  They have also jacked up their prices over the years and have not, in my view, expanded their feature set in turn.  You don't get a cheaper, lower feature option.  All my users want is what Citrix charges them for (by CCU mind you, not by seat).  

I have stopped recommending it at all (I just took thousands out of your pockets RemoteScan, hope you think hard about nickel and diming people).  I suggest buying Citrix, with which you get TONS of extra features (secure gateway, TS load balancing, TWAIN redirection, etc) or scanning to PDF and attaching via the file system.  Even RDP gives you drive mapping.  Map an S: drive to \\tsclient\c\myscanfolder and now you have an S: drive redirected through RDP without paying either vendor.  

I will now step off my high horse and go back to work.  
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