Question : Problem: I am considering the Iphone and dropping Windows Mobile

I have the HTC Touch using windows mobile 6.0.  I have been a long time windows mobile user dating back to the HP 2210.  As a PDA, it had some merits but when I purchased my first windows mobile phone the X6700 by HTC (Verizon) it was terrible.  I figured out how to make it work better with memmaid and overclocking the CPU so that my videos could play at 30 fps.  The phone eventually died and I am now in Canada using the HTC Touch.  the phone has dual personalities, when it works it's pretty slick, but the phone crashes on me constantly and doesn't respond.  I do use a lot of the features and love copying and pasting within emails and within explorer.  

What my main question is, is the iPHone 3g the phone for me.  I use a tablet pc using Vista and I use Outlook 2003.  I'm considering Exchange server but not sure yet.  I need my calendar, notes and outlook emails/folders to sync to my phone like it is doing on my windows mobile phone.  I also use a bluetooth keyboard to type long documents when I'm on the go and I'm not sure I can do this on the iphone.  What I love about my ipod are my podcasts, which are probably one of the most important news sources that I use to keep my tabs on the video game industry.  Music would be cool to have with me instead of carrying two devices.  I'm not sure you can copy and paste yet on the iphone either.  Should I get the iphone and how would I be able to fully integrate the device with my pc computer.  I know the data plans in Canada under rogers are really bad. I'm currently playing $7 / month for unlimited data on Bell with my windows mobile phone.  for $120, you can get 2 gigs for the iphone which I'm thinking I'll go through pretty fast.  

Answer : Problem: I am considering the Iphone and dropping Windows Mobile

I run 3 HTC devices for my business an do not care about financial issues when choosing devices.  However.....

My understanding is that IPHONE requires an IPHONE specific data and call plan that is not compatible with any other device.  So...  if you cange your mind half way through a contract you are pretty stuffed if you want to get a non IPHONE device.

I have played a lot with IPHONE and whilst its web browser is very slick, as a WM5/6 veteran you will become infuriated with its lack of support and software.  

The days of just punching in a new pop3 or smtp server and grabbing your email will be well and truly over.

THINK, THINK AGAIN and then RE THINK before going for IPHONE..

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