Question : Problem: SSL Certificate Question (different website's address)
I have a PDC Server 2003 SBE, currently it is using dymanic host for host address. Such as abg.homeit.net
Problem is that when I go to my server using this name obviously I get The security certificate presented by this website was issued for a different website's address.
I have read few alternatives in getting SSL certificate, and I have tried doing that but how do you generate a request that will match abg.homeit.net? Since my server is ABG-Server
Another option is possibly creating a domain and pointing to my server?
Whats my alternatives and how is the best possible way to get this to work.
I understand what this error means, but the next steps of aquiring SSL for the correct name or other alternatives got me in a puzzle.
Answer : Problem: SSL Certificate Question (different website's address)
Start the IIS manager on the server - Click on the name of your computer - Doubleclick on websites - Rightclick on a website and choos properties - Click on the tab "Directory Security" - Click on "Server Certificate..." - Click Next - Choose "Create a new certificate" and click next - Choose "Prepare the request now, but send it later" and click next - Type the URL of the site in the Name field(It does not really matter what you type in the Name field) - Choose Bit Lenght at 2048 (Higher is better) and click next - Type a Organization name and org. unit and click next - Type in the "Common name" filed your URL you wan't to use for your website. It has to be the same as your full DNS name! I guess in this case "abg.homeit.net" and click next - Type in your country short code, State and City and click next - Save the certificate request on disk.
Now you to send this certificate request file to a company who turns it into a valid certificate. Expect to pay around $50 a year, some cheaper some (Verisign/comodo and others) very expensive. If you are requesting this certificate do NOT remove the waiting certificate request from IIS (It will say this when running the wizard again). This wil also delete your private key which is the basis for your Certificate.