Question : Problem: Palm purchase recommendation, import data from Palm III

Greetings all Experts,

I am looking for a recommendation.

I own a simple Palm III at home.

In order to use a PDA at work (I work at a National Lab) I am required to buy a new PDA that the lab will "own" -- your tax dollars at work!  :-)

Now I would like to get something that affords me the easiest transition path of my data, that is stored in my Palm III and synched with my desktop at home, to whatever new PDA I buy.

The only other big requirement is that whatever I buy can NOT have wireless or camera technology built in. But I think that makes things easier in some way by reducing my choices. I don't need any real fancy (e.g. I'm not even sure I need color), since mostly I just use the calendar, contacts, and memo, some encryption software, and occassionally beaming capabilities of my current PDA.

I won't say that I am beholden to buying another Palm product, but if isn't Palm you recommend you have to clearly show me through links (or convincing) that it will be easy to import my Palm III data into the new product.

Anyway, for anybody to be awarded the answer points of this question I really prefer to have links or articles to 3rd party sites that discuss the data porting issue.

Thanks in advance,

Fortes fortuna juvat! (Fortune favors the brave)


Answer : Problem: Palm purchase recommendation, import data from Palm III

you said you synchronize to your desktop, then it is quite easy.  ( i have done this)

remove the palm software from the desktop (including the folder when it asks) -- this not deleting any data, so don't worry.  Then reinstall the palm software, plug in the new palm and it will sync to the new one, no questions asked (the wizard will walk you through it)

I have done this going from a palm III to a palm m500
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