Question : Problem: wireless connection for xbox

I'v looked all over the internet for a solution to my (according to me, not so hard) question, but with no result.
Hopefully i can find it here. Here it comes :
I have a PC with an ethernet-card(10/100 Mbit) and an ADSL connection to the internet, through an USB-modem
I would like to connect my xbox to this PC, so i can use XBOX-Live, but since my XBOX and PC are 15m(50 feet) apart, i want to do this wirelessly, using 802.11b...
Can anyone tell me what hardware i need?
I think i only need 2 Linksys Wireless game adapters, one for my PC and one for the XBOX, but in some places i read that i also need an acces point, or a router, or a switch...
But since it is possible with one (in my case long) cable, i don't believe that is true.
Any suggestions?

Answer : Problem: wireless connection for xbox

Does  your  ADSL  modem have an ethernet port on it????  If  so i would change it to ethernet  then  get a  Wireless router  then  hard wire that to your PC  then you  use the 1 game adapter.

Let me know  if need more help and can  nail down more products
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