Question : Problem: What is a good dependable wireless solution?

We have a PC located at a workstation that cannot have a wired connection.  This PC is located between two wireless access points [Linksys] and currently has a linksys wireless card [N] installed.

the problem we are having is that it will not always look for or stay connected to the wireless signal.  We have one program that is very sensitive to IP connection and if it looses connection for even a half of second, it will kick them from the program.

What I'm looking for..
I'm looking for a dependable wireless solution to connect to this PC that will always try to connect wirelessly.  I don't really care what make or model of wireless device that is recommend.  I just need something that is reliable.

For our laptops, the linksys WAPs have been great and since we use Lenovo laptops, the access connections program has also been great.  However this is not offered on their desktops.

Device information:
This PC is about 6-9 months old with component specs accordingly for that age.  This machine is part of a Windows Domain and we use Netware Client 4.91 sp4.  I've changed the settings inside the login client to wait for network before logging in.
The wireless signals from the two WAPs are about 89% and 69%. Therefore it should be able to connect and stay connected each time.  I've turned off most if not all of the powersave features.

Please feel free to ask me whatever questions you need and thank you for your help.

Due to the type of workstation and the job function of it [medical facility], I am willing to mark this pretty high for points value.

Thanks again

Answer : Problem: What is a good dependable wireless solution?

Well I have had good luck in the past with Netgear and D-Link. But I would go with the Netgear, also I would try to install the Linksys card in another computer that does not matter (if you have a spare hanging around) and see if that computer drops packets as well and see if it is indeed the card.

I am very curious to hear the results!
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