Question : Problem: Trying to connect a multifunction printer / scanner to an SBS 2003 windows server 2003 domain

this is the 2nd time I am trying to connect a scanner device (first was a Ricoh and this one is a Kyocera) and allow it to access a folder on an SBS 2003 R2 domain.  Neither has the capability to enter a windows username and password, which is why I think they are failing now, having been working OK on the same machines in a workgroup.

anyone have experience connecting non-windows devices to the domain and / or how do you set up a share that is open to anyone (anonymous / not domain logged in).


Answer : Problem: Trying to connect a multifunction printer / scanner to an SBS 2003 windows server 2003 domain


Is the MFP connected directly to the SBS server or another system on the network?  If not, does it have built in network capability?  Even if it does have network capability, you can make it a share on a server...

If so then the print functions should be accessible if it is shared out and permissions set to Everybody

net use \\servername\share name for printer      run on a desktop trying to connect.  

As for network scanning.. I have never understood that..walk to scanner place document, hope nobody messes with scanner while walking back and then scan..  

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