Question : Problem: WiFi Card of Laptop Does Not Detect any Available Wireless Networks

Hi Everyone;

        I am trying to help a friend with a WiFi Network Card issue.  Basically,  I have this laptop at my home which already has a preexisting wireless setup with an 802.11b wireless router.  I have the laptop in the same room which has the router and it still does not detect the wireless signal from the router.

          The WiFi card is a Ralink RT2500 Wireless LAN Card.  This laptop also has a VIA Compatable Fast Ethernet Adapter.  The IP Configuration for both show media disconnected for both.  I did a repair of wireless network connection, but, got a message saying Wireless Network Connection is not connected.  Wireless network unavailable.  

          With respect to technical specifications of the laptop, it is an Averatec Model #3200 Series.  The operating system is Windows XP Home Edition.  

           On a side note, I am wondering if it is possible that any software may be interfering with the functionality of the WiFi card.  For instance, I did notice at bootup a windows with the title of  Application Error with the following message.... Failed to load.  Some files are absent or corrupt.  Please reinstall application.  There is also a red triangle with a white exclamation point in the middle.   All of this appears right after the McAfee Security Center appears.  Of course, if there is not any connection between this message and the dysfunctional WiFi card, I can post this as a separate post.  In any case, I want to make sure to include all details which may be germane to the understainding of this problem.

          In closing, I look forward to any feedback or suggestions to this post.  Thanks in advance for any atttention given to this question.

         Thank you.


Answer : Problem: WiFi Card of Laptop Does Not Detect any Available Wireless Networks

Those are very good suggestions Darr247. Just wanted to add one more thing that is so obvious that many overlook it. On the 3200 series there is a WLAN switch just above the keyboard in the upper left. This disables and re-enables the wireless cards ability to communicate. Make sure this is turned on. 9 out of 10 times this is the problem.

Good Luck!
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