Question : Problem: Making a boot partition for recovery


I m using standalone pc having no network connections with windows XP.

Before that i m using windows 98 and windows xp (dual boot) and also have make ghost images of both OS. when my any operating system corrupts i recover it through ghost images using command prompt of windows 98 because it is bootable.

Now i m using windows xp only. my question is regarding to make boot partition for recovery.

Can it is possible to make a boot partition in harddisk for recovery in such case when windows XP is not booting. Is it possible to create a boot partition for ghost to run recovery using image file when Xp is not working.  I can't want to boot the system using floppy disk, Usb drives and cd/dvd drives only wants boot partition in hard disk for recovery.

Thanks in advance

Answer : Problem: Making a boot partition for recovery

Adding bootable partition will make no use for you. All loaders reside in MBR first of all (at least all I know) and any attempt to modify the loader will erase previous loader like GRUB, Boot Manager etc.
So the resume is - either install Linux on second HDD (change the HDD priority prior to installing Linux) and then configure Bootable Recovery Capsule on another HDD. I've done this configuration on my home PC and 4 OSes + Linux Ubuntu 9.04 on two WD SATA 300GB drives. Then only inconvenience is to change drive priority via BIOS.
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