Question : Problem: LCD TV vs. LCD Monitor

I am looking to get an external monitor for my laptop.  The laptop only outputs from a HDMI port (alienware M15x)

I am looking for something in the range of 22".

The debate is whether a LCD tv would be the same quality as a LCD monitor.  I would love to use the screen as a tv and a screen for my xbox 360 also (so coax and component).

Your input (and maybe item recommendations) would be greatly appreciated

Answer : Problem: LCD TV vs. LCD Monitor

In my opinion, not really. Of course it does depend on what LCD TV you buy... As long as you choose a TV that's native resolution suits you, the 'quality' should be fine.

However TVs do tend to have overscan issues that monitors do not have. Overscan is where a TV enlarges the image or signal to slightly bigger than the TV's panel, so you end up with bits missing from the edges of the screen. When watching TV, this often goes unnoticed (except when watching credits, where the text would normally go right to the edge of the screen) however when using with a PC, this could mean a cut off start menu, or half-icons at the edges.

The only way around it then would be to reduce the resolution, which in turn would probably mean black borders around the edge.

If you decide on a TV you like, I would go and find a shop that sells it, take your laptop, and see if they'll let you test it, to make sure all looks OK.

No amount of reviews or advice will beat seeing everything in action together with your own two eyes!

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