Question : Problem: No internet sharing through lan with second nic

We have two PCs at our home-office, and two notebooks. Both PCs and the eldest notebook are XP-SP2. The new laptop is (unfortunately) Vista but has not been connected yet, I want to get the rest working first.
Until now, PC-1 was almost permanently connected to internet through an ASUS TI 4631 ADSL modem. This modem has only one Ethernet connection and one USB connection. If we needed internet on PC-2, we had a extra cable laid out to PC-2 and would manually switch cables, that is, take out the Ethernet cable to PC-1 and plug in the cable from PC-2. The computers were not connected to each other by LAN.

We tried running the modem through the USB on PC-1 and use the Ethernet connection on PC-1 to connect to PC-2. However, PC-2 could not see the internet that way. Connecting the ADSL modem to an OvisLink hub did not work either: the PCs could see each other but neither could connect to the internet.

From earlier internet problems with an old computer, I had a functional 3com 905C NIC laying around. I installed this NIC in PC-1 and tried that way. It took some time to get anything working but with the following set-up at least something is working:

- Installed the second NIC in PC-1
- Let Windows Wizard make the connection in PC-1, specifying that the integrated NIC (NVidia) is connecting to the Internet and the 3com external NIC is used for the LAN
- Initially, LAN did not worked, so reconfigured the LAN NICs as following:
     -  IP address PC-1 is, PC-2 is &11, LPT-1 is &12 and LPT-2 will be 13
     -  mask is
     -  Gate and DNS are both
- The NIC connected to the ADSL modem  Internet is on automatic acquire IP address

PC-1 connects to internet and LAN works.

Problems since installing this set-up
- Internet connection is much slower than first, some pages dont work or are timed out (for example, works, but half of the times trying to login is impossible.
- Pegasus now regularly gives a connection time out or peer refused connection error.
- LAN works well although initial connecting goes very slow. However, the secondary machines (PC-2, laptop) cannot connect to Internet.  

Probably the two NICs dont communicate properly despite (or because) letting Windows Connection Wizard setting up the connections. Any ideas how to solve this?

Please, don't suggest faulty cables, they and the NICs all work as they should  

Answer : Problem: No internet sharing through lan with second nic

This article will help you to set it up
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