Question : Problem: My Laptop is 'Connected' but I cannot Ping

I have a wireless router.   It is New.   I have configured it with WPA, changed SSID, and changed channel to #2.

-   I have one wired computer connected.   It works fine.
-   I have one laptop with wireless connection working fine.

The trouble is my 2nd Laptop.   It connects (acquires all DHCP info).   The IP address, the Subnet, the Default Gateway is the same as the other laptop...... However, I cannot get it to PING anything.    It shows the Wireless is 'Connected' to my SSID with a Strong Signal.

The laptop working is a DualBand Wireless Card (I assume this to be B and G).   I am running G only from the New Router.

I have searched Google and many questions here.   I have run the WINSOCK fix, I can ping the loopback address (  I have done ipconfig /renew - which aquires the same IP address.

I am wondering if it retained some information from previous Wireless router.  (it was and now I have   However, ipconfig /all shows all same info (except IP address) as working laptop.

Any Suggestions?

Answer : Problem: My Laptop is 'Connected' but I cannot Ping

What COnnection manager software are you using?

Look at...

as "possibly" the software that is controlling your connection is not allowing you to configure it properly.

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