Question : Problem: Lightning storm killed Router

We had a lightning storm here yesterday which killed my Router. After installing a new router and checking my computers (6) that were attached to the old router I am having problems with one. I get the message A Network Cable is Unplugged, I checked the cable and its fine. The Ethernet is onboard so I disabled it and installed a pci ethernet card. I am still getting the same message "A Network Cable is Unplugged". Any suggestions would be appreciated. I hope my board is not damaged although everything else appears to work well.


Dell Dimension 2400, XP pro

Answer : Problem: Lightning storm killed Router

Assuming that the Local Area Connection property sheet is configured to use the correct NIC and that you have found no TCP/IP misconfiuration or corrected it. the next step is to open a command Start -> run -> type cmd. at the prompt type ipconfig /release then when you get a new command prompt type ipconfig /renew. Or you can click the Local area connection icon in the sytem tray and click repair or you can just reboot. This should re-establish the connection.

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