Question : Problem: Audio cuts off after 30 mins on Acer Laptop

We have two laptops of the exact same model and both are having the same issue with sound.  According to the users, the issue has been around since day 1 of the laptop.

After having the computer on for a bit, it will no longer make any sounds but If you restart the computer, you will get sound upon loading back up.  The sound will continue for a certain period of time after the reboot (30mins-1hour) and then it will just stop playing again.  But as soon as you reboot the sound comes back.  

If you try to go to sound options from the control panel and play a windows sound it acts like it plays but no sound comes out.  I have found another post of people with similar results on acer laptops but no one had an answer.

The laptop is an acer travelmate 6000 and it uses the Realtek AC'97 driver.  I have updated it to version but still no luck.  I have uninstalled/reinstalled the driver completly with no luck as well.  

We have not reloaded the machines yet, but was wondering if anyone else has encountered this and maybe know what the problem is.  It could be a defect in the sound card or speakers.  We have tried many drivers from many locations including realtek's site and none have solved the problems.  Anyone else have an idea?

Answer : Problem: Audio cuts off after 30 mins on Acer Laptop

This to my opinion can be classified as a strange problem we can only get more information about the problem through several ways:
1- to rule out software problems download knoppix cd from the knoppix website and burn the iso image to a CD and boot your computer with it check if the problem persist or not if not then we should work around a software problem if it persist which I guess is the case then this is a hardware problem most probably related to overheating issue where there is overheating of the sound chip or there is some sorrt of a crack in the soldiering and when it heats up it separates from each other.
2- Try running a program like winamp with many songs and let it run continously for two hours without interruption and tell me what happen and if the sound stops then report the time from start till stop exactly, reboot the computer and start winamp again in the same way till it stops and record the time....this will help rule out or confirm overheating issue because if overheating is the case the time will be less evertime you restart.
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