Question : Problem: Needing technical assistance in using Norton Ghost 5.1c in transferring data from a 20GB HDD to an 80GB HDD

Hi Everyone;

       Recently, I purchased a new 80GB HDD from  Tonight, I attempted to clone all of my data from a 20GB HDD to this new 80GB drive using Ghost 5.1c.  The steps takens so far include the following:  First, I booted to Ghost 5.1c which is on a 3 1/2 inch floppy after hooking up the 80GB drive on another IDE connector.  It is jumpered to Slave since the source drive is still installed and set to Master.  Once I booted to the Ghost disk, I selected Disk to Disk copy from the 20GB to the 80GB.  Unfortunately, whenever I attempted to do a Disk to Disk copy, I got the following error message: Partition 1 is larger than 7.875GB and will not be bootable.  This is a Windows NT limitation.  See MSKBQ115841.  When I click OK, I get the destination drive details.  Everything looks OK except for the category of Label which indicates read errors in volume.  

           At this point, I am not sure what steps to take to get past this obstacle.  The source or 20GB HDD is one whole partition in NTFS format.  The destination drive was simply taken out of the box and physically installed.  Is there anything I should do to this drive first before carrying out the digital cloning using Ghost 5.1c?  I assume the new 80GB HDD is ready to go and does not need any prep, but, I may be wrong.

             Any followup tips or suggestions will be appreciated.  

            Thank you


Answer : Problem: Needing technical assistance in using Norton Ghost 5.1c in transferring data from a 20GB HDD to an 80GB HDD

Dban will work from a floppy I think.

I would aslo conside disconnecting the promary 20 GB, and hooking up the CD and using that to format the drive via XP CD install.

In general newer version of Ghost ( V 8 and newer ) can handle unformatted media.

ALternatives :

Ghost and disk image free tools, Ghost alternatives

 Try this ,it's free .  Free backup Software,

I hope this helps !

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