Question : Problem: Applications published on Citrix

I would like to know which application types can be published on Citrix.
I know that you can publish word, excel, etc... but what about MSAccess database?


Answer : Problem: Applications published on Citrix


  Yes, but once again note that this is not an issue with Citrix, but one of running Access for remote users.  You would have the same problem if you were strictly using terminal services.
  Also note that some apps can get away with multiple users using the same copy of the app.  For example, a reporting app with pre-defined reports.  Something like that might be able to be used by multiple users with no ill affects.

  But for example, say you added a function that allowed a user to select some options for reporting and you saved that to a table.  User A comes in, sets up their report, stops for a minute and answers the phone.  In the meantime, user B comes in and sets up a report and starts running it.  A comes back (and now the table is changed), runs their report, and is left wondering why they got what they got.  However if you developed this from the ground up with this in mind (ie. you added a column of "UserID" for those report settings), then it would run fine.

  This type of thing is true even of Access it self.  The wizards won't run right if multiple users are in the same database.  Microsoft created a special transform for installing with Access to disable the features that don't work with multiple users under TS (A2003 and up no longer has that problem).

  So you may or may not need to setup a seperate copy for each user, but the general rule of thumb is to always do so.

  The changes in AD can be scripted or you can modify a login script to map a drive based on username, so that's not the chore you think it is.

  Same goes for giving a copy to each user.  There are many techinques (some quite simple) for having a "master copy" sitting in a distribution directory and having it automaticaly deploy to each user.


  As obda indicated, it might look something like this:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\MSACCESS.EXE" /NOSTARTUP "T:\he\Access\Database.mdb"

  Where T is the mapped drive letter.  You publish that once, but because T is different for each user, they end up in different places.


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